Ville in vendita a Arsita

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    This splendid property is located in the province of Teramo in the village of Arsita, among the fantastic mountains and nature of Abruzzo. Often nicknamed “the greenest region in Europe”, Abruzzo is one of the most pristine regions in Italy. The house is located in the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, which offers fantastic activities. The main house is extremely spacious at 237 sq. m. and comprises the ground floor and first floor of the property. On the ground floor you will f ...

    square mqs icon 250  m²
    rooms icon 5  Locali
    bath icon 3  Bagni
  • Icona foto14
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    This splendid property is located in the province of Teramo in the village of Arsita, among the fantastic mountains and nature of Abruzzo. Often nicknamed the greenest region in Europe, Abruzzo is one of the most pristine regions in Italy. The house is located in the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, which offers fantastic activities. The main house is extremely spacious at 237 sq. m. and comprises the ground floor and first floor of the property. On the ground floor you will fin ...

    square mqs icon 250  m²
    rooms icon 5  Locali
    bath icon 3  Bagni
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