Three-room apartment for sale, Reggio Emilia

REGGIO EMILIA ZONA OSEDALE ADIACENZE LATERALE VIA LAMBERTI.Appartamento libero in palazzo signorile mq 105. Composto da ingresso soggiorno,cucina abitabile,bagno,due camere letto,cantina garage. Euro 188.000 C.e in fase di richiesta rif 125379
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Main Information
Expenses and Registry
Price per sqm
Other Features
Year of Construction
Building Floors
- 764m stazione di Reggio Emilia
- 143m Incrocio Via Terrachini
- 149m Viale Risorgimento
Zone data
This data shows the positioning of the property relative to the average prices in the area
Ad Reference
Internal Ref.
17071633External Ref.
112399331Ad Date
Jun 10, 2024Mortgage Info

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with garage/parking spot.Here is an in-depth article from our blog
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