Real estate prices and market trends in in the municipality of Livorno, in the Magenta, Calzabigi, Origine area

Average prices for residential properties are shown in in the municipality of LivornoZone Magenta, Calzabigi, Origine. The reference period is February 2025.

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Average property price For Sale in the municipality of Livorno, in the Magenta, Calzabigi, Origine area.

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As of February 2025, the average price for residential properties For Sale in in the municipality of Livorno, in the Magenta, Calzabigi, Origine area was €1,916 per square meter per square meter, with an increase of 11% compared to February 2024 (€1,732/m²).

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Price analysis in in the municipality of Livorno, in the Magenta, Calzabigi, Origine area

In February 2025, in the municipality of Livorno, in the Quercianella, Evangelisti, Montenero area recorded the highest average sale price for properties, equal to €3,056 per square meter, while in the Garibaldi, Filzi, Stazione area recorded the lowest average price of €1,656 per square meter.  In the same month, the highest average rental price was recorded in in the Colline, Porta a Terra, Coteto area, equal to €14.75 per month per square meter, while the lowest price was in in the Centro, Venezia Nuova, Pontino area, equal to €9.92 per month per square meter.

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Demographic information

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Number of inhabitants154,177
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Average income€21,620

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